Chapter 28

I tried one last time for sanity and pulled back a little. “But this is so sudden. How can you be sure…and since when do you…”

“Since always. Every time you came back from a tryst, you looked so sad, it hurt my heart. That one guy you spent six months with, I could have wrung his neck for the way he led you on. When it was over, you were so heartbroken, I was this close to beating him to a pulp.” He ran a hand through my hair. “I’ve wanted you for so long, and I was willing to wait forever. I’m not saying I’ve been a monk or nothin’. But my heart is in your hands now, for as long as you’re willing to hold it. Which I’m hoping is for always.”

As Ernie kissed my neck and licked my Adam’s apple, I tried to gather my scattered thoughts. “It’s way too soon to…”

“Shh…just let me make you feel good for a little while. We can talk about how I’ll never leave your side after I’ve fucked you a thousand ways from Sunday.”