Chapter 9

“Wouldn’t it be cool if we set a world record as a group?” Kayla said. “We could be the first LGBTQA organization to cycle across every continent.”

Roan snorted. “Even if I weren’t saving up to get these removed,” he said, patting his chest, “I’d never be able to afford that much travel. As a group? We’d have to camp everywhere we went and scavenge for food because there’s no way we’d raise enough money for twenty people to be away from our jobs for that long and pay for expenses.”

Jae nodded. “As much as I’d love to pack up and go on vacations once a month, it’d never be enough. Plus, Declan’s more of a homebody. Not that he doesn’t like to go out and have fun, but he grew up around here and he says there’s plenty to do without getting on a plane.”