Chapter 15

If I have chance to come up yur way, u interested?

It took him an hour or so to get back to me. Absolutely. When?

I sent him dates. If I blew one vacation day on top of the travel time assignment allowed, we could spend the better part of two days together. It took a little wangling and another dozen texts to get it all set.

* * * *

Traffic sucked on the drive between Detroit and Chicago. I should have known better than to believe I would make it in four hours, closer to five and a half was more like it. At least there was no snow.

I knocked on the door to Michael’s condo. It opened and I was assaulted by the smell of spray paint and glue. Michael stood there in a pair of battered and stained jeans and similarly messed up gray T-shirt.

“Dude, what the hell are you doing? The smell about knocked me over,” I said.

“Rocket assembly.”

“What?” I came in and shut the door behind me, setting my luggage on the floor.