Chapter 8

“Conscientious citizen,” Kevan said from over Craig’s shoulder, startling him.

“I think it’s the law,” Craig retorted. “He was…Damn it, he isa pacifist.”

“Keep thinking that way,” Kevan told him. “In the present tense. People don’t just vanish. He’s out there somewhere.”

“But is he alive?” Craig asked.

“That’s what you hired me to find out. Do you mind?” Kevan pointed to the printer sitting on a stand beside the desk. “I’d like to make copies of the papers you found.”

“Have at it.”

“I’d also like to see what’s on his laptop. Does it take a password to get in?”

Craig shook his head. “He said, why bother? Any competent hacker could bypass it, and he didn’t have anything worth stealing except maybe his bank information.”

“Which I’d like to look at, if you can get into it,” Kevan replied, turning on the printer

“His statements are in the file drawer.”

“That won’t tell me if there’s been any activity within the last week. Does he have credit cards?”