* * * *
Erik paced the upstairs parlor, going from window to window to watch the snow, hoping it would end soon. He was half tempted to get out of there and go for a walk, despite the weather. As he’d told Bill’s folks, sitting around doing nothing wasn’t his thing. Yeah, I can read, but…He glanced at the book he’d started, now lying on the arm of the sofa.
“You look like you’re getting antsy,” Bill said from the doorway, War standing beside him.
“Yeah, big time.”
Bill smiled. “You and me, both. At least you got out for a while this morning. Me?” He rolled his eyes. “Tell you what. If you’re up for it, I can try to give you a tour of Main Street. Frank, he owns the garage, has plowed a couple of times, from what I can see of the street outside. If we walk down the middle…I was going to take War for a short walk, if you want to come along.”
“You better believe I do. Let me get ready.”