Setting aside the mug, Dakota started in the direction of his friend, formulating in his mind what he wanted to say. His mind wandered back to previous internal conversations and his heart flittered, warmth spreading through his body as he began to see Scott in a new light.
Would he even be interested?
Dakota was closing in on the table when the door opened and a dashing young lady stepped in, one who much too closely resembled Evelyn to be anything but her daughter. His steps faltered, expecting a tongue lashing from an unhappy bride. The internet was full of stories involving bridezillas.
Much to his surprise, however, she smiled warmly. “Are you Dakota Webb, owner of this establishment?”
She held out her hand. Dakota took it somewhat reluctantly. “I’m Beatrice, Evelyn’s daughter. I wanted to personally come down here and thank you for the wonderful cake you made. It was delicious, and I hope you’ll be selling something similar here in your shop.”