Once they were finished, Dakota went back to his notes, expanding on a few of the ideas. He was finishing up the fourth page when the buzzing of his cell phone caught his attention. It sat nearby plugged into a charger. Dakota picked it up, spying Ren’s name on the screen. He experienced a stab of guilt at realizing he forgot to call and inform her she had the day off.
“Ren, I’m sorry,” he started, only to be cut off.
“Dakota!” Her voice was harried, perhaps verging on panicky. “You need to get down the Heavenly, pronto.”
“Just hurry!” 16
All the way there, the trip relatively short thankfully, Dakota fretted, his mind conjuring up all kinds of horrible scenarios. His personal favorite, quite absurdly, involved pitchfork-wielding citizens led by Evelyn Norton, ready to chase him out of town. Maybe they would even throw donut holes and mini muffins at him. He imagined things like vandalism and fire, though the townsfolk didn’t fit the bill.