Chapter 40

His stomach knotted for a second as he thought about meeting Micha again. A Micha who wouldn’t know of their past lives together.

I hope everything works out right, too, Josh. 2

Sully lay on the bed, starkly awake. He tried to drift asleep, but couldn’t. Josh’s light snoring kept the perfect rhythm and regularly. Usually Josh’s snoring eased him and lulled him to sleep but tonight, he couldn’t. He regretted not taking the Ambien that Josh had offered and then took for himself half an hour earlier. He debated getting up and rummaging through the room for the sleep-aid, but he had hoped that he could do it without any meds.

The sounds of Mexico City’s Centro district distracted Sully. Rather than the honking of taxicabs, and the sirens of police cars, that he’d gotten used to in New York City, the sound of rumbling diesel buses roaring late at night and foot traffic three floors below kept him awake.