Chapter 41

Initially, Sully watched for any telltale signs of romance between the two, but Josh always insisted on calling Eli, “uncle.” Even though Josh insisted there was nothing between the two of them, Sully couldn’t help but feel insecure for the first three or four months they’d lived together in Chelsea.

Sure, girls (and boys) thought Sully was cute, with his long brown hair covering one side of his face, and bright, big, expressive blue eyes, but Sully couldn’t compare to Eli. At six-five, Eli stood out in most crowds. Anywhere the three of them went all eyes were on Eli. And, frankly, Sully couldn’t blame them. Eli was gorgeous, after all. Blond and with piercing blue eyes that sometimes looked like robin’s egg blue, he looked more like someone who’d stepped out of a comic-book story based in Asgard, wielding a magical hammer, than most of the folks that lived in New York. Sully never even saw Eli work out, but Eli bulged with muscles.