Chapter 54

Another tour group stood ahead of them and Eli focused on what the tour leader was saying.

“Ladies and gentlemen, we’re close to completely finishing the tour. But before we do, I want to tell you that excavations are always underway. Year after year, there are new discoveries made. Some of the major discoveries couldn’t have happened without modern technology of satellites. Behind me are several mounds of rock, stone, and dirt. Until recently there’d been no movement into excavation. But a recent lightning strike here in Teotihuacan turned several smaller mounds of stone into a pile, and subsequent local tremors including micro-tremors have revealed several tombs. The Mexican government is still investigating the benefits of opening some of the ones that are untouched by natural upheaval but there are one or two that have been exposed.”

Eli remained behind the group as it circled away, leaving Adam walking next to him, and Josh and Sully behind them.