Chapter 55

Eli’s hand covered Malakion’s mouth, while another arm pinned Malakion’s free hand back. Pressed against the wall, Malakion tried to struggle, but Eli’s arm pressed against Malakion’s voice box. Even Nephilims needed oxygen, and if Eli cut off air, Malakion would be useless. Malakion tried to kick his feet out, and swing his legs behind Eli, but Eli kept him in this position. The lack of air made Malakion dizzy. Eli whistled three short signals and six Nahuatl men appeared from a hidden recess within the Pyramid, carrying chains. Malakion gasped for air but couldn’t. Chains were manacled to his feet, arms, then his hands so that his extremities were pinned back. He struggled more, but a fabric had been placed over his mouth, then a burlap cover was slipped over his head after his headdress had been knocked off. Eli lifted Malakion over his shoulder as the rest of the burlap was rolled down to cover his whole body.

“I’m sorry, Malakion,” Eli whispered, “but you left me no choice.”