“No. It’s perfect. Revenge porn is a thing, so why not a revenge porn cake? We’ll make up a name. Al. Al…Yankovic. No. That’s a real person.”
“Go to sleep.”
“Anything we can blackmail this Mrs. Weller with? I could try to seduce her. I did a good job with Harold and Lena, right? Of course, if Mrs. Weller has already seen the cake, what good would that—?”
“Those Men in Black memory stick things are only pretend, right? If they’re real, we could swoop in, steal the cake, and then erase—”
“Shut up!” Angel reached around and covered my mouth. He added a kiss to the top of my head, and then pulled me closer from behind. “Turn off the light and go to sleep.”
“Will it bother you if I leave the light on?”
“No.” He kissed me again. “That’s fine. Just close your eyes and shush.”
When Angel’s half-hard dick pressed against the crack of my bare ass, how could I object or disobey?