“You look hot in glasses, and have since third grade.”
“Oh yeah? If Harry Potter glasses are hot, why are you wearing contacts?”
“Because you look hot in glasses.”
“Wait. You thought I was hot in third grade?” Angel asked.
“We’re a very advanced generation,” I told him. “I was telling Troy that a couple of weeks ago. I knew what was hot by age three or four.”
Angel laughed. And I loved that, too. “Not so advanced I didn’t get bullied for giving you the best Valentine’s card in the box.”
“Every group has its Neanderthals. And how brave were you for doing it?”
“I loved you. I felt it. I shouldn’t have crossed it out,” Angel said.
“I forgive you. Childhood sweethearts.”
“Be my boo?” he asked.
“You know that daffodil you gave me after our first kiss?”
“Yeah.” I remembered the whole thing all over again.
“I planted it.”