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Chapter 17

The hint of a smile pulls those lips taut. Sean’s just about to smile back—so he’s not the only one who likes what he sees—when he walks straight into Kidman. That’swhat the rookie is grinning at, has to be. Just his luck; here he is trying to look fly and he comes off whack. As Sean takes a step back, Kidman elbows him in the stomach. “Get off me.”

Sean pushes back, cheeks heating with embarrassment. “Why’d you stop?”


Coach Barrett’s hard voice silences them. He stands like a monolith before the trio of players, feet planted apart, arms crossed, clipboard in one hand and whistle in the other. The three huddle together, each hoping he isn’t singled out. Sean ducks behind Kidman but it doesn’t work—he’s taller than his friend, so the coach picks on him. “Where’s everyone else, Mason?”

With a wave back at the sports complex on the edge of the field, Sean asks, “Locker room?”

“What’s going on in there?” the coach wants to know. “Circle jerk? You guys come first?”