WebNovelHot Jocks15.13%

Chapter 18

Sean can’t look away.

After a moment Cordero senses he’s being watched. As far as Sean’s concerned, there’s nothing else worth looking at on the field today. Cordero’s hands freeze, shirt still pressed to his face, and he glances over at Sean from the corner of his eye.

In that instant, Sean knows they’re getting together.

When? He isn’t sure. But didn’t Cordero pass that “D and A” comment back to him, keeping it in play? There’s no denying something arcs between them, a sizzling energy that sparks along the base of Sean’s spine to invigorate his cock. A slow grin eases across his face and he calls out, “Hey, rookie.”

Cordero snickers into his shirt. His face disappears into the bright white cloth as he rubs away the sweat, then he ducks under the hem and tucks the shirt behind his head, wearing it like a bolero. Sean’s gaze drops and, because he knows Cordero’s watching, he licks his upper lip.