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Chapter 27

Sean thinks there’s nothing wrong with having a go at Cordero twice in one day. But it’s Wednesday, no practice this afternoon, and Thursday seems so damn far away…

At his hip, Sean’s cell buzzes. He slips it out of its holster and glances at it—a new text message. Probably his roommate again; the dumbass can’t seem to remember notto lock the door to their dorm room before heading down the hall to the snack machine. Yeah, Sean doesn’t want anyone sneaking all up in his shit, but more than once the bastard has left his keys on his desk, thenmade a soda run. Earlier this week, Sean had to go back between classes and let the fucker in. If he’s locked himself out again, tough. Sean’s too comfortable to move at the moment, and this damn Bio text isn’t going to learn itself.

But the message is from Cordero. Three characters that Sean puzzles over for a moment until he figures out what they mean. ?U@—where you at?

A sly grin spreads across Sean’s face as he texts back. SUB U?