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Chapter 28

And it was only a dollar. Jesus. Colby shakes his head as he swigs down his beer. You’d think I robbed that jerk blind the way he carried on.

But it’s over. With a deep breath, Colby lets the memory go. It issummer—Wildwood is a tourist town full of transients this time of the year, and Colby knows he’ll never see the fellow again.

True, he agrees, his thoughts bitter.Only tomorrow it’ll be someone else, just as tough, looking to impress a girl and getting pissy with me when he ain’t all that.

Well, at least he’s off work tomorrow, but he won’t be relaxing. He’s entered the Wildwood Beach Volleyball Tournament, which starts at eight A.M. sharp So why’s he here at the O, downing another brew? He needs to get some sleep, prepare himself for the game, get in the zone…