With difficulty, Colby drags his mind back to the present. “What’s wrong?”
Megan looks around wildly, the sun winking off her wraparound shades. “We’re up in five minutes on number three. I don’t even know where that is!”
Adrenaline jolts Colby’s heart. “What? Now? We play first?”
Megan nods as she says, “Seventeen versus thirty, court three, eight o’clock. Where…?”
A little taller than his cousin, Colby can see over the crowds more than she can, and he stands on his toes to add to his height. To their right he can see a huge flag flapping in the sea breeze, the number 1written on both sides. Pointing, he tells her, “There’s the first court.”
She’s pointing in the opposite direction. “There’s the second. We must be farther down. Damn it! We’ll never get there in time.”