But the voice that queries, “Guess who?” stymies him. It’s a woman’s voice, high and tittering, speaking from in front of him. Through the gaps in the hands, he sees a competition vest and what looks like the number 8. Long tanned legs, bare feet, a white puca shell strand like a tattoo around one ankle.
Uncrossing his arms, Colby raises them to touch the wrists before him. Definitely male. “I don’t…”
He feels someone press up against his back—oh yes, Godyes, it’s a guy. Colby feels a hard cock thrust against his buttocks and almost creams himself. In his ear, a familiar throaty voice purrs, “Don’t tell me you’ve forgotten already.”
Colby tugs at the wrists, pulling them away as he turns. “Van!” At the brilliant smile that greets him, Colby laughs. “You are hard as shit, dude. How do you walk around with thatshoved down your pants?”