Inside, the restaurant is filled with guests visiting for the tournament. Greg has never seen the place this busy in quite a while. Every table is taken, and younger, single golfers line the bar. Silverware clatters against plates, and raucous friends raise their voices to call out to one another across the room, the noise easily drowning out the faint piano music played over the speakers.
“Two?” a harried server asks, grabbing a couple of menus and a handful of utensils.
Trey has to shout to be heard when he jokes, “I’d say somewhere quiet, but I guess that’s not really an option, huh?”
The waitress laughs. “If you want quiet, go back to your room and order in. We deliver.”
When Trey looks at him, hopeful, Greg shakes his head. Too fast, too soon. “We’ll eat here. Is the back room open?”
She shakes her head. “It’s still too early. We can sit you by the bar—”
“The back room will do.” Greg digs into his pocket and flashes her his employee ID card.