How can Greg say no to that?
Their conversation is tinged with suggestion. Carla was right, golf is fullof sex talk. At one point Trey sets his knife and fork aside and rests both elbows on the table, hands steepled in front of him, as he watches Greg eat. Greg glances up, sees pure, unadulterated lust staring back, and chokes down the mouthful of food he’s chewing.
“You know,” Trey purrs, “I’ve been thinking…”
If it’s about you and me retiring together after dinner, I’m thinking the same thing. But Greg doesn’t know if the words would sound as suave if he said them aloud, so he just sips at his wine and asks, “What’s that?”
Trey’s Cheshire cat smile is intriguing. “Do you still caddy?”
With a shrug, Greg turns back to his steak. “Occasionally. Mostly I’m on hand for private lessons—”
“I’m sure you could teach me a thing or two,” Trey murmurs. “How about I show you my swing after dinner? I have a private room.”