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Chapter 63

Well, no, he won’t admit that, but he’ll come up with something. Before things go too far, before it gets too late.

Movement in his peripheral vision makes him look towards the hotel again. The sliding doors open, and here’s Mike. The windbreaker and baseball cap are gone; so are the jeans and, from the look of it, the medical bandage, too. He wears a pair of tan walking shorts that show off strong, hairy legs, a matching tank top, and over that, an unbuttoned shirt with a blue/green pattern that brings out the color in his eyes.

Sweet Jesus,Rob thinks, watching the guy look his way. I don’t just want a piece of that. I want the whole damn thing.

When Mike sees him, Rob raises a hand to wave. Without breaking his stride, Mike turns in mid-step and heads in his direction. Rob unlocks the passenger side door a moment before Mike opens it and eases inside. “Hey.”