WebNovelHot Jocks52.10%

Chapter 62

Rob suspects he isn’t the only one who felt the jolt when they touched.

With a gentle squeeze on Mike’s hand, Rob brings him back to the present. “How long are you in town?”

A slow grin spreads across Mike’s face. This close Rob realizes what he thought were shadows on Mike’s cheeks is the hint of stubble. When Mike’s eyes meet his, Rob sees his own thoughts mirrored in their bright depths. “A week or so,” he admits. “You from around here?”

“Born and raised,” Rob says. He still holds Mike’s hand. The bandage has grown warm beneath his touch.

“What’d you say to showing a new guy around tonight?” Mike asks. It sounds casual, but there’s an undercurrent to his words Rob hears loud and clear. “Maybe there’s a place we can grab a bite to eat, get to know each other a bit better. Somewhere quiet, where we can be alone…”