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Chapter 89

The smell of chlorine is sharper as Rory exits the locker room down a tiled hall that ends at the head of the pool. Unlike the public pool, the Olympic-sized pool only has one depth, so there is no “shallow end.” The entire fifty meter length is three meters deep, but the water is so clear, Rory can usually see the individual blue tiles on the bottom of the pool. At the moment, though, the entire thing is draped in shadow; the only light comes from orange emergency lighting spaced sporadically around the room. A glass-fronted office beside the locker room houses the panel box, and Rory’s ID lets him in to turn on the lights.

Suddenly banks of bright whiteness flare to life above him, throwing back the darkness and laying bare the pool. The cerulean water is inviting, and Rory has his pick of starting blocks. In competition, his excellent time always places him in the first lane, and without thinking about it, that’s where his feet take him.