He pushes off the wall beneath the starting block and lets his momentum carry him a few meters down the lane until he surfaces. As soon as his head clears the water, though, he hears an unexpected splash behind him that almost makes him pull up in mid-stroke. Only his years of training keep him focused on the goal ahead, but he pulls into a forward crawl and tries to peek behind him with every other stroke to see what made that sound.
All he can see is churning whitewater. He pulls towards the far end of the pool, where he’ll pause long enough to see what joined him in the water.
Before he reaches the wall, though, he realizes someone’s in the lane beside him. Another swimmer.
And whoever it is somehow manages to speed past him evenafter getting a late start.
Dull anger rises in Rory. This is histime. Who the fuck has the nerve to interrupt his training and spoil his concentration? To splash around noisily like this was the kiddie pool down the hall?