Chapter 6

“More people got killed today.” Wearing only powder blue briefs, Brian sat on the edge of a chair. It was easily twenty degrees cooler down there. Jim took off his T-shirt and jeans, leaving him in his white briefs. He sipped his soda before setting the bottle against his cheek.

Brian’s face went flat. “Again?”

“I’d have slapped him back, but shit splatters.”

“Why don’t you let my dad talk to him?”

“I’m afraid he’ll fuckin’ get carried away and end up in jail.” He sipped more root beer. “Are we addicted to this?”

Brian stared at the second bottle. “That for me?”

Jim looked around. “Naw, I’m a fucking two-fisted drinker these days, like George.” Jim handed it over and Brian grabbed a bottle opener. Eventually they clinked and drank. “What you watching?”

“What’s it look like, Einstein?”

Jim play-slapped him. “You could be nice to me since I’m injured.” He screwed his face tight into his best ten-year-old pout and stole a look at Brian’s package.