The guy couldn’t be more than a few years older than Brian, and he got nervous, so he turned his back to the sexy guard and looked to the other end of the pool. A buffed white guy with sun-bleached blond hair sat on the lifeguard’s perch. He wasn’t as sexy, but fit enough to be in a magazine with his prominent muscles and no visible fat.
Brian bumped into someone and excused himself.
The middle-aged man gruffed out, “Watch where you’re going.”
Dad and Brian swam laps for fifteen minutes. Dad was faster, but Brian didn’t quit until he did. They rested at the deep end, holding on to the side, sucking air.
Dad leaned close. “Thirty feet down on the left. Sexy lady, and looks like her daughter about your age.”
Yeah, they were pretty. Although Brian had no interest in them, he said the things every normal man should. To impress his dad, Brian swam near her. “Did you go to San Jose High?”
The girl, with jet-black hair and brown eyes, smiled. “No, Lincoln High. I graduated last year.”