George said, “Nothing officer, must have been the TV. Everyone’s fine here.”
The officer frowned and looked at the dormant TV. He turned to Mom. “Ma’am, are you hurt? Something went on here.”
Mom, always afraid of George, said, “Nothing went on.” Her voice sounded flat.
George smiled like a used car salesman. “Everything’s fine here.”
Jim pushed off the wall and pointed at him. “Liar! You slammed me into the wall, choked me, said you’d kill me, and punched me. Another sucker punch like all the other times.”
The second officer, inches shorter than the first, but with huge upper arms straining his short sleeves, said, “And why did that happen? Were you disrespectful to your father?”
“The jerk isn’tmy father. He said my friend and I were gay, and I said it takes one to know one.”
Mom interrupted, placing a hand on George’s shoulder. “Officers, it’s family business and we can take care of it. Thank you for your concern. Who called?”