Chapter 25

Jim’s mom tried to take the screwdriver, but Jim refused to surrender it, and Brian knew he would be justified to stab the jerk.

“No one is getting kicked out,” Jim’s mom said. “We all need to calm down.”

Jim stood his ground. “Brian, call the police.”

Brian happily complied.

A woman answered. “San Jose Police. How can I help you?”

“I need the police. My friend’s mom’s husband is hitting her.”

“What’s the address?”

He gave it.

“Is it happening now?”

“It just stopped and my friend’s holding a screwdriver to keep his stepfather away from his mother.”

“Is anyone hurt?”

George tried to get to the phone, but Jim thrust out the screwdriver to hold him at bay.

“Not yet,” Brian said, “but he threatened to kill my friend. Again. The police were here earlier.”

“Okay, son, we’ll send someone right out.” Brian heard talking in the background. “Okay, two officers are on their way.”

“Thank you.”

George glared at Brian, who wondered what Mahatma Gandhi would do.