Chapter 31

Sensei showed more escapes from the same hold. He had the boys take turns trying to choke him. Once he stepped in, shooting his arms high to break the grip, then he kneed to the groin, safely, but the point was made. Another escape was to slam a palm into the attacker’s face while stepping back. Then a side kick to a knee was used. In all, he showed half a dozen escapes.

Sensei clapped his hands, and the boys came to attention. “Sit.” Sensei sat on the mat with crossed legs, and the boys faced him in the same posture. “I’ll count to eight slowly and you breathe in. Hold it for four seconds. I’ll count. I’ll count to eight again and you exhale slowly. Clear your minds, or if you can’t, stare at one point. It can be a spot on the wall, the flame of a candle, my black belt, etc. Focus. When thoughts slip in, use the exhale to gently blow them away.”

They nodded and went through the sequence a dozen times.