Chapter 43

Mrs. Wilson hosted many parties for the kids, who loved the swimming pool. Jim flashed back to the three times she walked in on him changing into, or out of, his swimsuit, and how her eyes had always drifted low before she gave the perfunctory “Excuse me. I didn’t know anyone was in here”

“Are you sure?” he asked.

“I’ll pay you well, but less than a regular service company, okay?”

“That’d be cool, thanks.”

She dug into her purse and wrote her number on a slip of paper. “Mid-week would be better while Mr. Wilson is at work. He hates noises from lawn mowers.” She smiled, tilted her head, and touched his cheek again before strolling off.

Jim got his items and waited in line to check out. From behind, a guy tapped his on the shoulder.

“Don’t I know you from somewhere?”

Jim looked up at a kid about his age, but taller and heavier. His large smile dimpled his cheeks and showed white teeth. “I don’t think so.”

“You go to school around here?”