Chapter 76

Jim said, “My card says she thought of me like a grandson who loved and protected her. She wrote that I’m an angel on Earth and God loves me.”

Dad asked, “What does your card say, son?”

Brian sniffled. “She wrote that she loved me and knew I loved her and I was sometimes better to her than her family. She said I’m a good man and I’ll walk the Earth with people admiring me for my bravery.”

Jim lowered his head and wiped his tears. Michelle wrapped an arm around him.

Dad did the same to Brian. “Son, I can almost hear your brain working. You arebrave, and you willcontinue to become braver and wiser. It’s not the size of the dog in the fight, but the size of the fight in the dog. When I was in that battle in Korea, one of the black soldiers was no bigger than you, but he fought as good as me.”

Brian jumped to his feet and paced. “Damn! Just when things were looking up, this happens. Shit always happens when things are going good.”