Chapter 79

One officer approached. “I won’t ask if you’re okay, because I know you’re not. How badlyareyou hurt?”

Jim moaned and shook his head, spitting blood. “I don’t know.”

Brian said, “Medium, I guess.”

The officer smiled and helped them to their feet, one at a time.

The two winos came forward, each with a police badge and ID card. One said, “Sorry we couldn’t help you, but we’re part of the undercover Street Crimes Unit and can’t afford to let it be known who we are. We go after gangs like the one that attacked you. We couldn’t come out as officers, but did call for the uniforms on our hidden radios. If they had weapons, we’d have helped, but damn, I’ve never seen anyone fight so well. You’re obviously trained.”

The other undercover officer gave a short smile. “Hope you fellows aren’t hurt too badly, but we have plenty of charges against these guys. They’ll go to state prison and the streets of San Francisco will be safer.”

Jim coughed. “Even though we’re gay?”