“Watch where you’re goin’, Roy. You’re headed at Buller!” Teddy called, too late. Buller, a feisty chestnut gelding, took a nip at Roy’s shoulder. Roy whipped around and smacked the horse hard across the muzzle. Buller whinnied and hopped in his stall. The other horses stirred as well
“It’s okay! It’s okay, boy!” Teddy said, trying to soothe the gelding. “Roy, you’re not making my job easier.”
“Aw, shut it. That horse had it comin’.” Roy exited out the back before Teddy could argue further. Teddy shook his head as he fed Buller half an apple to remind the horse he had friends on the ranch.
Lawson had a bed moved into Teddy’s room so Marco could bunk down there as the other hands had been griping about close quarters. Roy was pissed, but only Teddy knew why Roy had allowed him to have a small room to himself until now.
“Thank you again for the coat,” Marco said as he climbed onto the mattress that was just big enough for him.