Chapter 65

“Guess it’s time we try to halter Vic again,” Roy said and went into the house with the groceries. “Lord knows he’s past due.”

Teddy went back to cleaning the stable, simmering. What Roy did had nothing to do with breaking a horse. That was pure meanness.

Four nights later, an ewe gave birth and Roy called Teddy out to assist. They returned to the barn several hours after most of the ranch had turned in, but they ran into Marco, who was busy bedding down his horse.

“What are you still doing out and about?” Roy asked in an unkind tone.

“A lamb had his head caught in the fence. Then I’ve been keeping watch for the wolf the men were talking about.”

“Well, get out of here. Whoever is on nighthawk duty must be out there already. Teddy and I have some business.”

As Marco disappeared around the corner, Teddy turned to Roy. “What business? I need a quick shower and my bed.”

“Take off your pants, boy.”

“Now? Out here? Naw, c’mon. It’s freezing!”