Chapter 17

Having consumed a cookie, Pam lifts her head and steers her attention to her son and his lover. “Sandy, I’d like to have a private word with you. Would you mind taking a short walk with me around the block?”

Both Jonah and Sandy are stunned to hear Pam use Sandy’s right name for the first time. They look at each other, puzzled. Jonah shrugs, once again baffled by his mother’s actions.

“Sandy?” Pam inquires, using a serious tone that is direct.

“Yes, ma’am,” Sandy replies, stepping forward. “I’d love to take a walk and talk with you.”

“Good. I will meet you outside on the front stoop in five minutes. Just make sure you bundle up. It’s as cold as a witch’s tit out there.”

“How does your mom know that a witch’s tit can be cold?” Bobo asks Willa.

Willa shrugs. “Worry about your eye. Stay out of their conversation.”

“My winter things are upstairs. Come and help me find them,” Sandy says to Jonah.