Chapter 16

After the kiss, Sandy says, “I love you and love your family. I could be a part of this. Thank you for bringing me.”

“Merry Christmas,” Jonah whispers, and the two men kiss again.

Pam, who has yet to enter the house, yells from the front stoop, “Stop making out! You’re creating a scene! The neighbors are going to talk!”

Jonah lifts an arm and waves her away while he continues to kiss his boyfriend.

Pam leaves the two alone near the front yard, discreetly smiling.

Once again, Bill Icicle is unfound, somewhere in Channing, alone but happy.

* * * *

“Bobo’s eye is swollen, but I think he’s going to live,” Willa says at the kitchen counter near the sink. She opens one of the bottles of wine. Next to the bottle are three wine glasses. “He’s upstairs, resting.” She fills the three glasses and passes one to Jonah, one to Sandy, and the last one is hers.

Jake, although present, decides not to have a glass of wine.