“Maybe. Seems suspicious though. We need to get some uniforms out there searching for him. The chap must have had burned clothes from where the lamp hit him. The last thing I can remember is him beating out the flames with his hands. Peculiar hands. Curved fingers. Maybe rheumatism?”
“I’ll tell them to keep an eye out for anyone with burns or burned clothing and I’ll mention the hands. Are you feeling well enough to do this, sir? I can manage fine on my own.” Grant pulled the little car in to a parking space and slammed the door as he exited the vehicle.
Alec winced at the noise and followed him more slowly. He briefly retreated to the bathroom and applied a cold flannel to his head wound, thinking vicious thoughts about every aspect of his life. In the time it had taken them to get back to Wapping, the wound had bled a bit more and he was going to have to have his favorite hat cleaned.
That more or less put the tin lid on his day so far.
* * * *