“Can you go back and ask Mile End if they’ve had anything similar?” Max asked. “You said this was the sixth one they had no explanation for. Did they autopsy any of the others?”
“I don’t think so. I’m pretty sure the matron would have mentioned it. She was very thorough. I’ll double check in a moment when we go back up. I can telephone.”
Matron regretted they hadn’t autopsied the other bodies. “Sometimes patients just die, Detective Inspector Carter. It would be undignified to autopsy them all.” She was distressed. “Would he have suffered? Does your doctor think it was quick?”
“Yes, ma’am, Dr. Max said he thought it was almost instantaneous. No pain or awareness.” Alec was a lousy liar. She might not believe him, she was too experienced a nurse for that, but it was all he could do for her. “Does he have family? Do you want us to return the body to you?”
“Yes please, Detective. If you could. There’s an elderly mother. I’ll send a telegram now.” 7: Finding Mira, 1920