The gas lamps were coming on in the thin drizzle as he made his way home. He’d go and see Mira first thing in the morning and see if she would Work with him, Kelly, and Mrs. Finn. 17: Carter at the Bugle Club, 1921
The Bugle Club was exactly as Alec had imagined. He deliberately avoided the phrase his brain was flinging around (‘den of iniquity’), because it made him feel as if he was channeling his Aunt Maud. However…
The non-Aunt Maud part of his brain thought it was wonderful. Dim and smoky, with brightly painted murals on the walls and waitresses dressed as birds of paradise. The orchestra…or band?…band, probably, was tuning up. They were a mishmash collection of old and young, male and female, and black and white, which made him start for a second and stare. His understanding of ‘blues’ music was that it was an American Negro affair. He mentioned it to the barman as he leaned on the bar watching him measure out his drink.