They were at the apartment again that weekend. It seemed that since New York, Ray wanted to be there rather than stay at a hotel after they went out for the evening. It made their relationship feel more normal to him and less like a tawdry affair.
“No. She insisted it would be better to do it in person.”
Ray had waited until they had gone to bed to tell Br’er about Adrienne’s phone call. Since he didn’t know what it was all about he didn’t want to say anything in front of Mazie. Ray had come to know her well enough to know that divining a mystery such as this was just what Mazie thrived on. It would trip her into wild speculation about what could be going on. He was reasonably sure it wasn’t anything to be concerned about. However, he didn’t need anyone to make any far-out suggestions that might trip him into worry.
“What is it about? Alex, do you think?”
Ray shrugged. “I don’t know. I can’t even guess.”