The subject of the holidays and the family gathering eventually came up.
“Daddy, you know how the rest of our family is. You can see why I needed to talk to you before giving Aunt Anne a yes about Christmas,” Adrienne said. She still had an arm around Alex’s shoulders. “How do you think we should handle it?”
* * * *
“Holy Shit!” Br’er exclaimed later that evening when Ray told Br’er and Mazie of his bizarre afternoon with his daughter and her lover.
“Of course, Alex can be a nickname for Alexandria as well as Alexander but I never dreamed when Adrienne talked about Alex, she was talking about a woman.” Ray said. “Adrienne seems to think she’d made it clear. But for the life of me, I can’t remember ever thinking anything except that Alex was a guy. Adrienne was totally surprised that I didn’t know. At first she thought I was making a joke, because I asked if Alex couldn’t make it when I saw a woman standing in the doorway.”
“So, did you tell her about us?” Br’er asked eagerly.