Chapter 42

“No, I’m serious. She’s into fishing. She’s very close to her dad and he loves to fish. They go all the time. Have since she was little.”

“What’ll you do with the travel kit then?” Br’er asked.

“You can have it. I’ll have it monogramed in the same script as the one you gave me. That way we’ll have matching kits when we travel. Speaking of which…” Ray shifted to the side and pulled out an envelope from his back pocket. He handed it to Br’er.

“What’s this?” Br’er asked, feeling that an inscribed Rolex was present enough for, at the very least, this year and next.

“Open it and find out.”

Br’er opened the envelope. Inside were plane tickets to Miami and also tickets for a Caribbean cruise for next spring.

“Ray, this is too much!”

“Okay,” Ray responded. “I’ll just have the names changed on the reservations and give them to Adrienne and Alex.”

“Like hell you will,” Br’er said. He kissed his boyfriend and whispered, “Thank you. You spoil me.”