Motorcycle Man

LGBT+12 Chapters20.8K Views
Author: Sarah Hadley Brook
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Motorcycle shop owner Ben Makowski offers a three-day class for new riders. When he finds out one of his students doesn’t even like motorcycles, he’s irritated but drawn to the man at the same time. Though he can clearly see the new student is dealing with something difficult, Ben sets out to get to know what that might be and if he can help in any way.<br><br>Writer Angus Winter’s publisher has insisted he learn about motorcycles for an upcoming book, which is the last thing he wants to do. His fear of motorcycles stems from a tragedy in his past. But something about his sexy new teacher makes him want to open up to the man. Can Angus trust Ben with the burden he’s carried for so long?

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short and sweet this wasn't what I was expecting when I saw the picture but it is a very well written sweet and lovely book... had my heart racing

2 years ago