Chapter 2

“Welcome to Makowski’s,” he greeted the two young men standing at the counter. “You men here for the class?”

The guys both nodded eagerly while the blond offered his hand. “I’m Seth and this is Randy.”

Ben grasped his hand and shook it heartily. The blond was sexy. Muscular, broad shoulders, blue eyes, stubble on his cheeks. But too young. Definitely too young. Ben let go and gestured with his head for them to follow him through the door.

Candy showed back up and both guys’ eyes nearly popped out of their heads.

Ben chuckled to himself. It was a really good thing his sister wasn’t here.

“Hi,” Candy said, her voice nearly a purr.

Ben shot her a warning look she completely ignored. “I’ll show them to the class,” she told him, eyestwinkling as she turned around. Ben bit back a laugh as the two young guys followed her like little puppies with their mouths gaping open. Then he pictured them tripping over their tongues and chuckled low.