Chapter 17

Thankfully it was a big wedding. Both Amy and Darren were popular, in different circles, and Mike had plenty of people to talk to. He found himself soon embroiled in a United versus Wednesday argument—which Mike, thinking both teams were shit, could referee with ease—and was persuaded out onto the dance floor with one of his lab assistants for a terrible, lively waltz before his phone beepedagain.

Stephen: Here. I think?

“Sorry, Lizzie, husband calls,” Mike said.

“Will he dance with me?” she asked, refusing to let go of his hands.

“Er, maybe?”

“Go and get him then,” she said imperiously, releasing him.

Mike mentally prepared his apology, and wormed his way out of the throng. The corridor was quiet. The stairs were empty. The lone attendant at the entrance was reading a magazine, headphones in, and merelywaved cheerily at Mike as he headed out of the building.