Chapter 18

Mike had never been much for keeping secrets. He’d never had to in school, never had a secret worth keeping. University had been far more interested in Stephen than in who he shacked up with. The first time he’d ever come up against a problem had been teaching, when parents suddenly weren’t so okay with biology teachers married to other blokes.

“It’s not natural,” one had complained—to his face—and Mike had laughed.

“I have a doctorate in this subject, Mrs Bell, let’s not try telling me what’s natural and what’s not,” he’d said.

Stephen hadn’t been so lucky. He could have worked for MI5 by the time Mike had met him, the sly little sod. Had taken Mike months to figure out who the heck he was going out with. And over nine years, Mike had come to realise it wasn’t Stephen being a moody, antisocial little git—although maybe ten percentof it was just that—but it was out of necessity. People got funny about Stephen. Shacking up with a bloke hadn’t helped matters.