Chapter 33

So when it was time for Mike’s speech, he unashamedly loosened his belt a notch, and heaved himself to his feet with visible effort.

And stared.

Stared out at the sea of faces. Faces he knew, and who knew him. Faces who’d been proud of him over the years, who’d asked after him when he’d been at Edinburgh, who’d wanted copies of his graduation photos, who’d scolded him for getting married on the sly, who had their fingers crossed for him and Stephen and their clinic appointments.

His family.

Blood and otherwise.

He cleared his throat, fumbling for his cue cards, and had suddenly never felt more shy.

“Ladies and gentlemen.”

No, no. Too sombre. There was about to be enough of that.

He cleared his throat, and began again. “Ladies and gentlemen, friends and family, people that had to be invited so nothing would be awkward. Figure out which categories apply to you, because I really don’t care.”

He felt, more than saw, Stephen smirk at his side.