Chapter 34

“I never said how much that meant to me.”


“Most guys won’t take on a woman who has another man’s baby. Another man’s fourteen-year-old? Come on. You’d have to be crazy, right?”

Edgy smiles twitched around the room.

“Well, ladies and gentlemen, Leonard is a little bit crazy. I mean, come on, we all love her, but who’s crazy enough to put up with Mam twenty-four hours a day!”

Little giggles erupted again here and there.


They locked eyes. Mike swallowed at the film of tears in his stepfather’s gaze.

“You were right. You’re not my dad. You never will be. But you stepped in, when my dad couldn’t be here with us anymore. You never tried to replace him, but you did fill the void that he’d left behind. And you never once asked for us to forget him. You’ve made my mam happy, and you’ve made me the man I am today.”

Mam started to sniffle between them, and Mike resolutely stared past her.