Chapter 42

“Don’t need any of that bollocks in science,” Mike had said genially.

“I’m not the one who runs up a literal butcher’s bill, sweetie,” came the not-so-genial reply.

So uncharitable as it was—especially given it was his own stepsister—Mike really wasn’t up for the wedding on the day it arrived. He had a box in his hall ready to go back to the school, and only ten days before he’d have to turn up and suffer through one of those terminally dull training days before the spotty monstrosities were crammed back through the gates. Spending one of those ten days in another sodding tuxedo was the last thing he had in mind.

And even worse, it was the same day as Stephen’s clinic results were due.

“Don’t be a twat about it,” Mike said on their way over to his mam’s house on the morning of the big day. “Whenever they call, just slip out and take it.”

“I can ring them back.”


“Don’t tell me how to deal with it, alright?”